
Lady Gaga concert in Indonesia failed

Chairman of the Governing Body Equals Institute, Hendardi declare the cancellation controversies concert singer, Lady Gaga in Jakarta, because due to the threat of radical groups of mobs.
"Very clearly, the attitude of the promoters canceled the concert is the result of pressure and threats," said Hendardi through a press conference in Jakarta, Sunday (27/05/2012).

Hendardi said the police as an institution does not guarantee the security service so that concert promoters do not want to risk.
Legal observers, adding the cancellation of the concert Lady Gaga describes the authority of the state is not sovereign and weak in the face of the bearer of the political aspirations of intolerance.
In fact, according to Hendardi, the police as state authorities must guarantee freedom of expression and security in accordance with the constitution and legislation.
Furthermore, Hendardi suspect 'tug' singer about licensing from the United States, has become a commodity a particular party political interests.
Another case, Coordinator of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Neta S Pane urged the police immediately issued a denial of Lady Gaga concert will be held at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Sunday (3/6).
"In order not to appear a prolonged polemic that drain energy and harm the nation," said Neta.
Neta cites three reasons for refusal Lady Gaga concert, which Indonesia has Pornography Act, Lady Gaga concert plans are polemical potentially disrupt public security and order and the case of Lady Gaga has been politicized to attack the police.
Previously, the Lady Gaga concert promoter, Big Daddy Entertainment via Minola Sebayang attorney announced the cancellation of a concert singer nicknamed the Monster Mother, for security reasons. (antara / dar)
sources KapanLagi.com

See also:

Gaga: I'm sorry Indonesia
Gaga tickets will be fully refunded
Little monsters will not refund
June 3 sow flowers in the GBK
Lady Gaga cancellation of setback Indonesia
Big Daddy did not deter foreign singers bring
FPI excited Lady Gaga concert canceled 

Ketua Badan Pengurus Setara Institute, Hendardi menyatakan pembatalan konser penyanyi kontroversi, Lady Gaga di Jakarta, karena disebabkan adanya ancaman dari kelompok massa yang radikal.
"Sangat jelas, sikap promotor yang membatalkan konser adalah buah dari tekanan dan ancaman," kata Hendardi melalui keterangan pers di Jakarta, Minggu (27/05/2012).
Hendardi mengatakan Polri sebagai lembaga pelayanan tidak menjamin keamanan konser sehingga promotor tidak mau mengambil risiko.
Pengamat hukum itu, menambahkan pembatalan konser Lady Gaga menggambarkan pihak otoritas negara tidak berdaulat dan lemah di hadapan kelompok pengusung aspirasi politik intoleran.
Padahal, menurut Hendardi, Polri sebagai otoritas negara harus menjamin kebebasan berekspresi dan keamanan sesuai konstitusi dan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Lebih lanjut, Hendardi menduga 'tarik ulur' soal perizinan konser penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat itu, sudah menjadi komoditas kepentingan politik pihak tertentu.
Lain halnya, Koordinator Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Neta S Pane mendesak pihak Polri segera menerbitkan surat penolakan konser Lady Gaga yang akan berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (3/6).
"Agar tidak muncul polemik berkepanjangan yang menguras energi dan banyak merugikan bangsa," kata Neta.
Neta menyebutkan tiga alasan penolakan konser Lady Gaga, yakni Indonesia memiliki Undang-Undang Pornografi, rencana konser Lady Gaga sudah menimbulkan polemik yang berpotensi mengganggu keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat dan kasus Lady Gaga sudah dipolitisasi untuk menyerang Polri.
Sebelumnya, pihak promotor konser Lady Gaga, Big Daddy Entertainment melalui pengacara Minola Sebayang mengumumkan pembatalan konser penyanyi berjulukan Mother Monster itu, karena alasan keamanan. (antara/dar)

Sumber : KapanLagi.com

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